There’s a video from the founder

Or here’s my take:

1.First, I take the Biome Med - that pulls the toxins  especially glyphosate (Round Up Poison) out!

2. Then I take 5 amino acids - cell regrowth power-house. I feel so strong and my skin is firmer!

3. In the morning and / or afternoon, I have an Apple Cherry Power Shake - 9 Super Foods all grown in  thehigh nutrient rich soil - YOU FEEL THE POWER!

4. Sleep deeper than ever with a spoonful of Apothecherry at night. It’s a concentrated cherry syrup that cleans the kidneys & liver while we sleep! It’s also a natural melatonin producer.

I have a regenerative cell specialist that can get on a 3-way call to answer any questions. You can order from here. You will be prompted for a referral code - its Yogawrap that gives you your discount and connects you to me. Drop me an email at to talk.

For more details call: 1-855-827-3449